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Information 技术 (IT)



8-32 Mo.








Multiple 度的途径

Information 技术 (IT)


认证Prepare for key industry certifications: CompTIA Security+, Network+, 和 A+—软件下载支付你的考试准备和第一次考试的费用!
通路Earn dual credit towards an 工商管理硕士 degree Program
快速通道转移信用, stackable credentials, 和 adaptive learning technology build a faster pathway to a higher education Herzing与 University

大学排名.S. 新闻 & World Report as one of the best online bachelor's Programs in 2024

Information 技术 (IT)


IT学位包括证书, 大专文凭, 和 bachelor's degree Programs which prepare you for a variety of careers in the field of information technology.

The online degree Programs provide students with fundamental knowledge 和 skills in computer networks, database concepts, 网络安全, network infrastructure, 还有更多.

Career-focused 课程

Discover the crucial knowledge 和 skills required to succeed in 你的 work 和 build a foundation for continued career growth.

Flexible schedule

你可以在白天或晚上上课. We strive to be as flexible as possible for busy non-traditional students.


获得广泛的虚拟服务, including academic advising, 辅导, 支持服务, 技术支持和图书馆服务.


We support 你的 ongoing career advancement by providing comprehensive, 个性化的学生服务,终身职业指导.

Rolling admissions

不用担心申请截止日期. 当你准备好了就申请,并准备尽快开始.

类开始 7月8日


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遵循 你的 职业生涯路径 Herzing与

  • 幸运28计划的长度8个月
  • :查看 课程
  • Credential earned:信息技术证书-技术支持
  • 幸运28计划的长度: 16个月
  • :查看 课程
  • Credential earned:信息技术理学副学士
IT Manager Directing Employees
  • 幸运28计划的长度: 32个月
  • :查看 课程
  • Credential earned信息技术理学学士学位

威尔对他现在的工作不满意, but Herzing University helped him form a career path during his time enrolled. After earning his degree at Herzing, he has obtained a job that he absolutely loves.

Is an 工商管理硕士 in 你的 future?

学生 enrolled in Herzing University's IT or Network Management bachelor's degree Programs could earn up to 12 credits towards their Herzing 工商管理硕士, 从而节省时间和金钱.

A career in information technology could be right for you if you:

  • Enjoy working with computers
  • 能在各种环境下工作吗
  • 发现解决技术问题非常令人满意
  • Are better at thinking, organizing 和 underst和ing than persuading
  • Work well alone 和 in a team

询问软件下载的择优奖学金 & 奖助金




随着技术的不断进步, 将需要更多熟练的IT专业人员来安装, 维护, 管理, 修复和保护复杂的计算机网络系统. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of computer 和 Information 技术 occupations is expected to increase by 12 percent from through 2024.

IT professionals work in a variety of environments including professional offices, 小型企业, government organizations, 和 large corporations, 并且可能拥有许多不同的头衔. 初级专业人员通常在幕后工作. After gaining experience 和 expertise, they can advance to more senior-level work

While there is no universally accepted way to prepare for a job in IT, most employers place a premium on some formal college education. 在Herzing,你可以将你的教育与你的职业目标结合起来. 两年制学位是许多入门级工作的先决条件, 而其他人则需要学士学位. To get into 管理ment 和 advance, many employers require a master’s degree.


Prospective entry-level IT job position titles include network 和 computer administrators, help desk technicians, IT support specialist, 计算机和信息系统经理, 系统分析师和网络架构师.

How do I advance in my IT career?

Advancing 你的 information technology career depends on the actual career path you choose –such as computer networking, 管理ment or 安全. Some IT degree graduates move up in their career field simply by gaining on-the-job experience, 而另一些视自己为管理者的人, analyst or IT 安全 professional will need to earn a bachelor’s degree 和 potentially a master’s degree. 对于大多数信息技术专业人士, adding industry credentials throughout 你的 career is beneficial to remaining relevant.

类开始 7月8日

Waived Enrollment Fee


Information 技术 (IT) 学位课程

显示 3 Programs在线 校园

在校园| 在线

This Program prepares students for a broad range of positions in the field of information technology. 教授的基本技能包括终端用户支持, client/server operating systems, 网络基础设施管理, 安全, 脚本, database fundamentals, 云计算, 虚拟化, 数据存储和技术交流. 高级技能包括数据库设计, project 管理ment, information technology 管理ment 和 business systems analysis. Coursework in this Program provides a foundation for select industry certifications. These certifications enhance employment opportunities but are not a state specific requirement.

学生 will have an opportunity to complete  their studies through a selection of elective coursework that deepens their underst和ing of general information technology concepts.

This Program prepares students for entry-level positions in the field of information technology. 教授的技能包括终端用户支持, client/ server operating systems, 网络基础设施管理, 安全, 脚本, database fundamentals, 和 technical communication. Coursework in this Program provides a foundation for select industry certifications. These certifications enhance employment opportunities but are not a state specific requirement. Graduates of this Program may continue on into a bachelor's degree in information technology.

要了解有关此Program的更多信息,请单击 请求的信息 button to the right.


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认证 & 信息披露

Herzing University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Eligible states for enrollment阿拉巴马州:, 阿拉斯加, 亚利桑那州, 阿肯色州, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 康涅狄格, 特拉华州, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 缅因州, 马里兰, 麻萨诸塞州, 密歇根, 明尼苏达州, 密西西比州, 密苏里州, 蒙大拿, 内布拉斯加州, 内华达, 新汉普郡, 新泽西, 新墨西哥, 纽约, 北卡罗莱纳, 北达科他, 俄亥俄州, 俄克拉何马州, 俄勒冈州, 宾西法尼亚, 罗德岛州, 南卡罗来纳, 南达科塔州, 田纳西州, 德州, 犹他州, 佛蒙特州, 维吉尼亚州, 华盛顿, 西维吉尼亚州, 威斯康辛州, 怀俄明, District Of Columbia, 和 the Virgin Isl和s.

Herzing与, I didn't have to go through the runaround that was involved with the four-year colleges, 课程也更具体地针对我想学的东西.



技术 Program


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